Roadmap and backlog

We have made it as easy as possible to contact our team. If you think you have a good idea for a new feature, or you just want to say hello, sign into your account and send us a message. We have already implemented several new features that have been suggested to us by our early adopters, so if you have an idea, let us know.

Below is a poll of the most requested features. We prioritise our requests and action those which are most requests by our users, putting you at the head of our development table.

Share projects with third parties through an unique URL


Show who is responsible for each activity in the planningboard.


Show how many sub items have been completed


Assign days and times to sub items


We have received a lot of feedback concerning the user interface. We are aiming to improve the onboarding process, men’s, edit and delete options, and generally make the user experience easier to manage. These are some of the things we are working on.

  • Move the main menu to the left top
  • Add tooltips where there are only icons
  • Improve the edit functionality
  • Instead of separate buttons, expand an activity to see more
  • Make it easier to see who’s responsible for an activity

After you share the plan, the viewers can leave comments inside the screen. As the planner you will receive notices.


We are working though the requests backlog as quickly as possible


A consultant/planner works for 2 or more clients. When visiting client A. The team members, (vertical) events and projects of Client A should be directly visible in one planning board without manually uncheck/hide those items.


Allow multiple contributors to the same project


Possibility to archive a project once it has been completed. Similar to marking an activity as completed


Possibility of expanding/collapsing the underlying tasks of a project


Automatically prompt question when the user moves (parts of ) the plan


Estimated Milestone indication


Indicate the available time slots


Schedule the availability of the team members

  1. How many hours a day
  2. How many hours per day per project

If there are a lot of project (approximate 16) then they will not fit on the screen. Add an option to decrease the height of each row (compactmode)

You can select per project who is part of the project team.

Now it’s only possible to complete an item.

For example expand with:

On-Hold, Waiting, Delayed, Start, Planned

Undo function

For projects where weekends are important, show a 7 day period, instead of 5 day period.

Request form

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